Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I have 2 more hairstyles to post, today & yesterday, but I forgot my camera at my dad's!  bummer.  I'll load both tomorrow.

Since I can't add a picture, I'll mention an idea I had for the blog.  I want to get in touch with a hair donation charity (like Pantene Beautiful Lengths) to see if they will help me add a charity aspect to the website.  That way maybe people could "sponser" my hair marathon!  I need to try to call them, but it's only during work hours that they're open.

Here's the site for their charity:

The nice thing is that you only need 8" to donate here.  I hope I can get them to help me raise money for them, it would make this a lot more fun!  And, wouldn't it be cool if the last (100th) hairstyle was my new short do after the donation!!

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