Thursday, May 5, 2011

FUG TAG // Pattinson and Witherspoon

Darlings, it’s time to check in on the happiest co-workers in show biz!
Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon at the UK premiere of “Water for Elephants.”
Reese is wearing a Stella McCartney dress, Lorraine Schwartz earrings and Christian Louboutin shoes. Robert Pattinson is wearing a Dries Van Noten suit.
Could that smile be any more frozen and locked into place, we ask you?


She: Well, this is a huge improvement over that pin cushion dress the other day. Clearly, Reese read the opinions of the T Lo minions and immediately set about slapping people who work for her. The message had been sent loud and clear: Dress me in clothes that fit me, fools! We mostly like this dress. The view from the back is pretty amazing, even for these two ‘mos. It fits great and it’s a great color on her. We just hatehatehate the “oops, I just can’t keep my straps up” feature. Put in straps that work or go strapless, but these limp little things are silly. You’re not Liz and this isn’t Butterfield 8. Still, it’s the only complaint. Hair and makeup look great and believe it or not, we think nude shoes were the only way to go here. Besides, the Band-Aid is endearing. Score: 9/10.
He: Well, there’s not a lot to critique. This is his go-to look (when he’s bathed, that is) and he wears it well. The slim cut of the suit (which he favors) looks great on him and young men should wear slim cuts for as long as they can get away with it. We don’t even mind the dark shirt, which normally looks mafia to us. Truth be told, it still looks a little mafia, but he’s like, the least threatening human male you can find, so it’s fine. Yes, everything is just a bit too rumpled and wrinkled, but that was almost surely deliberate. From head to toe, this is how the public expects him to look when he gets dressed up. He’s giving them what they want. Score: 8/10
Combined Score: 8.5/10. That seems awfully high, considering they’re not even all that dressed up. But it’s not about wearing the most expensive outfit; it’s about wearing the outfit that suits you the best. Aside from some minor quibbles, there’s almost nothing we’d change here.
[Photo Credit: getty, wireimage]

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