Monday, May 9, 2011

Six Degrees of Inspiration

Two months ago, I received an email from Suzy Evans who was working on a story for Fast Company.  It was an article about a network of creative individuals and how they’re all connected to each other, as in Six Degrees of Inspiration.  She asked each person the question: “Who do you think is doing creative and inspiring work right now both in your industry and outside your industry and why?” As the list worked its way down, my dear friend Jessica Gold who runs JG and Co. said that I inspire her with my blog and when i was asked, I said Julia Leach inspires me which is why it seemed perfect to mention this after my post about Chance.  Her complete vision for her company makes me sit down and think about how I want Habitually Chic to evolve.  Also included in the chain are artist Maira Kalman, whose illustration accompanies this post, designer Yves Behar, architect David Adjaye, and many more.  The best part of starting my blog has been all the inspiring people whom I have been able to meet along the way but am even more honored that I am now able to inspire others.   So in order to continue the chain of inspiration, I will pose the same question to you, “Who do you think is doing creative and inspiring work right now both in your industry and outside your industry and why?”

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