Thursday, May 5, 2011


Darlings, Cameron graced two versions of the ELLE UK cover and we’re partial to the one where she doesn’t flash her panties.

UK ELLE June 2011 Issue
Editorial: “She Who Dares”
Photographer: Jan Welters
Stylist: Sasa Thomann
We’re feeling uncharacteristically sympathetic toward Cameron today. You see, because there wasn’t much on TV last night, and because we really, REALLY needed to unwind (Launch a web site some time! It’s fun and totally stress-free! You’ll see!), we rented that Seth Rogen Green Hornet movie. What? We just wanted something mindless! Well, we got it. Poor Cameron seemed to be in it just for the paycheck and we don’t blame her. Especially when she had to sit through a scene where Seth goes on and on about how old she is, although fortunately for her, he still thinks she’s hot. We hope the paycheck was considerable.
On marriage: “I think a lot of people are married to people that they’re not romantic with any more. I just didn’t ever marry anybody that I then had to get divorced from. We break up. We move on.”
On working with ex, Justin Timberlake: “We’re good at being funny together. We know how to do that. That’s easy.”
On her outlook on life: “I’ve gotten less cynical. When I was in my twenties I was not very happy. But I’m a realist. I see things how they are and it’s hard to pretend that they’re anything different.”
It’s a great picture of her on the cover. She always did give good face (when she’s not mugging for the camera).

It’s the subscriber cover that really threw us:
Because nothing says “Power Player” like flashing your panties, amirite?  We’re not being prudes here; we’re just wondering what the point was.

[Photo Credit: Jan Welters,]

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