Monday, May 2, 2011

DIARY FASHION // What's left to catch but the fear of letting go

AllSaints - Padma Wedge

My feet are a little camera shy, haha. Anyway. I got me some new shoes! Yay! They're pretty awesome, the heel and the strap in the front are actually hairy (haha), I tried my best to show in the photos. Also, for 11cm heels, they're pretty comfortable. I worked on them for two and a half hours until my feet were officially pronounced dead. Hah. 

In bad news, literally a day before I wanted to get my nose ring back, the wound's all nasty and infected again. FFFUUUUUUUUUUUU! Also, my hip's been bugging me again. Seems like the past week's been quite shitty - Exactly why I thought I'd treat myself today! I went out looking for the perfect mid-length skirt (alas, the search continues) but got home with some make up, a pretty little scarf and Twin Peaks on DVD! Finally! Ever since catching a few episodes last Summer, I've been wondering who the fuck did kill Laura Palmer, so I caved in. 

Work's been quite stressful lately, though pressure's wearing off as I can start doing more hours mid-April! Fuck yes! More hours = More money! Mid-April also means Groezrock and London are getting closer. Any hints and tips on what the fuck to do on a bank holiday in London, do share! I love me some modern art/graphic design museums so if anyone knows a fine place, I would love to know and my gratitude will forever be yours! 

I'm obviously rambling, so I'll just leave it at this and go and try not to watch another episode of True Blood online and drain our monthly internet bandwidth. Again. Hah. 

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