Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wedding Gown Therapy

Wedding Gown Therapy

Turnaround Techniques to Take You from Crabby to Happy

Trot to your local thrift store or consignment store and buy a wedding gown (or if that gives you the heebie geebies, buy a second hand ball gown). If you have a task you dread (like cleaning your oven or preparing your taxes) put on your handy wedding gown. Your feeling can’t help but lift.

“Studies show that visual cues crapper affect your emotions. If you add vocalization to the mix you have a coercive combination” says Eli Davidson, M.A. author of Funky to Fabulous: Surefire Success Strategies for the Savvy, Sassy, and Swamped (Oak Grove Publishing).

It’s hard to take yourself as seriously when you are walking around with a sextet measure train of silk chase behind you. Changing your clothes into celebration wear automatically boosts your mood.

Wedding Gown Therapy is a Pattern Interrupt Technique founded in the principles of Neuro Linguistic Programming. You crapper stop a bad feeling by gift yourself an upbeat cue and putting on some celebration wear.

Color Me Happy

Keep an item near that is the color of happiness. Color is a coercive unconscious motivator. It is one of our fastest communication systems. Green on the gage is great. Green growing on your boeuf is gross. Think of your selection color and your feeling will improve. Since there is a coercive link between color behavior and feeling keeping, a “happy color” near to you crapper help short circuit your stressors.

Change Your Outfit-Change Your Outlook

A wedding gown may not be the perfect thing to slip into at the office. By slipping into a different unify of shoes, or dynamical into a vibrant sweater, you are short circuiting a negative pattern.

“By taking dominion over your behavior modify in a ultimate act same putting on some lipstick, you are gift yourself a new cue.” suggests Eli Davidson. “If I am having a disturbed day, I will go bag at lunch and change my clothes. I come back to the duty refreshed and redirected” says art foundation director, Barbara Holden, of Austin, Texas.

That new signal overrides the existing one and reminds you that you are the one that determines your mood. You crapper then more easily direct yourself in a more positive direction.

Get Goofy

100 laughs are equal to 10 minutes of aerobics. Have some silly wear handy for when you are taking yourself likewise seriously. Laughter is excellent for cardiac health. A recent study in Japan showed vocalization helps diabetics. Giggling crapper help enhance your power and problem solving abilities.

Consider keeping a goofy unify of glasses (my current favorite) for the intend to and from work.

Eli Davidson has been on NBC and FOX TV News in Austin, Texas and has been called “The Creativity Guru” by National Public Radio. As a successful life coach, public speaker, and author, Eli Davidson has coached Grammy, Emmy, Golden Globe winners. Her clients also include leaders in technology, real estate, recreation and healthcare industries.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eli_Davidson

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