Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yes! Big , Long , Curly Hair cuts for women 2009 fashion

It‘s the same old story. No matter what your hair type, you wish it was something different. Women with straight hair curl it and those with curly hair straighten it. Although it‘s easy enough to change the way your hair looks and no one has to put up with a hairstyle they don‘t like, if you can learn to embrace the locks you were born with, you will find life a whole lot easier.

Long blond hair with curls

Many women with naturally curly hair spend years trying to tame it, make it curl the way they want it to, straighten it, flatten it and generally go against the nature of their hair. But maybe they should be working with their hair instead of against it.

Big, curly and wavy hair has made a come back. Women are becoming bored with the flat ironed look and are trying to put some bounce back in theirhairstyles. If you have naturally curly hair you‘re onto a win. While all the other women are paying out for expensive curling treatments and spending hours in the salon, all you have to do is take a little time in front of the mirror, splash out on a few products and you have the look they all want.

Fluffly long hair

Long brunette hair

When it comes to making the most of your curly hair, products are the word. Whether you have unruly curls, a bushy mop or a delicate wave, hair products will transform the hair you hate into the hair you love.

Tight curls can be a nightmare to the woman who has them, but when people tell you how beautiful your hair is, they mean it. Look at Nicole Kidman. Instead of straightening your curls, keep your hair long and simply tousle them with taming solutions and wax. You don‘t want to go overboard and create ‘wet’ curls, but a small amount of wax, especially on the ends of the hair will create that defined look and add a spring to your locks.

Long free-flowing hair

Shoulder length hair

WOW long curly hair

Bushy hair can be very frustrating, but there‘s plenty you can do for this too. Again, keep your hair long. The shorter the hair the worse the bushiness will be. After washing, run your hands through your hair with a leave in conditioner. Once it‘s dry gently comb with a wide toothed comb. If it still isn‘t as calm as you‘d like, apply a defining wax on your fingertips, mainly to the ends of your hair and twist your hair in your fingers, let go and watch it spring into beautiful trestles.

Delicately wavy hair is very in at the moment. It‘s a sophisticated look and a long kinking hairstyle has a movie star feel to it. Always use a good conditioner and apply generously to the ends of the hair. While your hair is still damp run a palm full of mousse through your hair, starting at the crown and working down to the ends. Dry your hair upright with a big, round brush and this will keep the volume you want as well as adding shine and bounce.

Practice these styles and experiment with different hair products and different drying techniques, but keep it long and keep it curly. Big hair is back.

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