Friday, June 24, 2011

I Found a Home!

I want to again thank everyone who crossed their fingers and prayed for me to find an apartment.  After dealing with shady brokers and walking up more flights of stairs than I care to remember, I am happy to say that I found a home!  It's on the top floor of a co-op elevator building with south facing windows and laundry in the basement.  Woo hoo!  Bad news is that I can't move in until July 11th so my stuff will be headed to storage while I visit my family and camp out with my friends. 

One reader asked why I was moving and I was beginning to wonder why I was moving myself.  My current apartment got to be very expensive for its size and location plus after five years, I thought it was time for a change.  Of course, my apartment began to look more like a mansion compared to some of the places I saw this week. I'm still excited to move though.  We New Yorkers tend to squirrel away stuff under the bed in the back of the closet and I'm looking forward to cleaning house and getting organized.  I'm also excited for a change of scenery.  When you walk the same path everyday, you stop seeing things.  I've read that you should change the route you walk everyday so you stretch your brain and become more mindful.  I'm hoping that a move to a new area will do the same. 

And most importantly, there is the redecorating!  I'm definitely looking forward to sharing my new apartment with you all and hopefully it will help make up for my lack of posts this week.  I really appreciate your support, encouragement and patience and promise to get back to our regular posting schedule tomorrow.  In the meantime, anyone want to help me pack?

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