Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, New Goals!

I usually write up my goals for the new year on New Year's Day but this year I decided to take some time to myself yesterday.  If you're a long time reader, then you know that I don't make resolutions.  Instead, I take my cue from Write It Down, Make It Happen, and write down what I want to happen in the new year.  I didn't accomplish everything I wrote down last year but I knew that 2010 was going to be a year of planting seeds that would eventually bloom in 2011.  I already have so many things planned that I'm very excited for January, usually not my favorite month due to the weather.  So instead of focusing on negative resolutions that we all inevitably break, I like to focus on the positive.  Here's to a great new year for all of us!
  1. I will continue to build my business and blog in 2011.  This was first on my list last year and will always an ongoing process.  I'm so grateful to all the sponsors who have signed on and allowed me to spend time on blogging, all the clients who hired me to design their homes, all my loyal readers, and all the wonderful people I met last year.  I can't wait to see what happens this year!
  2. I will travel more in 2011!  This is always on my list too but I hope to take more time to get away this year.  I already have a trip to Miami and a cruise scheduled for the beginning of February so I feel like I'm starting out on the right foot. 
  3. I will have my book proposal picked up in 2011.  I already met with a publisher and have been contacted by many others.  I have decided to work with a collaborator since I realized that I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm excited to finally present my ideas. 
  4. I will contribute to ELLE DECOR in 2011.  I've already been asked to write for the website and have pitched an amazing house of a friend for the magazine so I can't wait to get started on this task.  ELLE DECOR has the most similar aesthetic to my blog and I've always wanted to contribute and am beyond excited to be working with them!
  5. I will design another bachelor pad in 2011.  I really enjoy designing for men and would love to pick up another male client. I interviewed for one but the owner ended up being transferred for work.  If anyone knows of anyone who needs help, please send them my way!
  6. I will date more in 2011!  I used to joke that my not having a boyfriend was not for a lack of trying.  Well, I couldn't really say that last year since all I did was focus on work.  I will definitely be making time for my personal life and if anyone knows anyone for this goal, feel free to let me know! Bonus points if they have all their own hair and an accent!
  7. I will take a class in 2011.  This one is always on my list and I have yet to take French lessons or learn more about antiques.  I'll see if I can finally check this off my list in 2011.
  8. I will schedule more Sunday brunches in 2011.  This seems like a silly goal but sometimes it's more fun to make time to relax with friends on a Sunday than to schedule a dinner or a lunch during the work week. 
  9. I will wear more color in 2011.  I used to wear more color but somehow along the way, my winter closet has become a sea of grey with a little plum thrown in as an accent.  Not very exciting.  Maybe I should buy a red dress to help with goal #6. 
  10. I will be really happy in 2011! I can already tell this is going to be a great year!
Even though this is a little late, I'm going to leave you with the same quote from Edith Lovejoy Pierce that I left you with last year. "We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day!" Happy New Year!

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