Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What Your Facial Hair Really Says About You

What Your Facial Hair Really Says About You

When choosing how to style your facial hair a number of factors may influence your decision from how your father wore his, to what is appropriate for the office. Whatever your motivation, you should get to know what your facial hair really says about you.
Men all over the world have facial hair, some more than others, but what makes the difference is how you style it. Being clean-shaven shows that you care about grooming when it comes to your appearance. A full beard on the other hand says that shaving is not really on the top of your list. What makes the difference is how it looks. If you have a full beard that is trimmed and in good shape it shows that you don’t have the time. If your beard is scruffy and starting to resemble steel wool, it shows you just don’t care about your appearance. From clean-shaven to a full beard there are an infinite amount of ways to style your facial hair. A goatee says that you work hard and play hard, and you can always find a balance between the two. It also shows that you can be confident without being overbearing. A moustache shows that you are mature or more masculine, but in a more reserved sort of way. Stubble shows that you are a relaxed guy who does care about your appearance when you have the time, but that there are more important things in life. Extended sideburns, or mutton chops, says that you are not afraid to experiment and that you are willing to rebel against what looks good in the name of art and creativity. Getting to know what your facial hair really says about you is a great way to choose the right style for you and your personality.

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